Week 2 in Melbourne
I'm back from Erin's place.
I'm so happy because I have friends here.I'm so lucky that Erin,Eway and Fendy is here,with me,although we don't stay together.It feels bad when you go to class,you have noone to talk to,and you come back to your 'house',you still have noone to talk to.I felt much better talking to them,although it's just some pointless stuffs.Anyway,I also get to eat good food.Well,at least much better then the simple,and imbalanced-diet food that I cooked in Unilodge.Fendy's cooking is great,and I really appreciate them for letting me to stay over dinner.
Uni life has started for a week.As usual,I complained alot and I basically complains about everything.Crazy eh?But that's me.
This is the room that I will be living in for the next 5 months.This is my bed.And the boxes beside the bed works as a bedside table.It's basically two paper boxes that I bought in Ikea,stacked up together.
This is my vanity sink.No,it's not in the washroom,it's in my room.For your information,people here drinks water from the paip,without boiling it.So,I guess that's why everyone has a sink in the room.
And this,is my working table.It's messy,with all my cables on it.
Imagine the walking space in the room...
eh.. ur room got a board to stick stuff leh.. not bad.. haha.. See Weng brought me to ur hse today.. from downstairs.. i see.. not bad ar.. but see weng's still nicer..
not bad ah ur room =)
u call ur table "messy"?? more like "empty" to me. =P
ur room looks quite comfortable wht, and it looks abit like wuchun's hostel in hua yang.. wahaha..
haha.. i agree with wat callie said.. a bit..
i think ur place is not bad..so much better than the hostels that we have in malaysia.. haha.. i especially like ur desk.. hehe.. and u don't know wat 'messy' really means.. :P
anyway.. enjoy urself! c ya. :)
Should I be happy because my room looks like wuchun's room in a drama series?
I really think my desk is messy,because all my cables are on it and i dunno how to put it accordingly...
haha... callie dont say i dont realized... if ur bed chg to double decker... table from 1 become 2... toilet there put a traffic light... den exactly dy
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