Friday 20 October 2006

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Today's the last day of MUFY.How do I feel?I felt nothing,seriously.Call me cold-blooded.

10 months is too short I guess.I didn't feel anything leaving the school I spent my 5 crazy years,what makes you think that I'll feel anything in a 10-month-course?Well,it differs according to different people.Besides,we still have a Grad Night Dinner,it's going to be so un-fun.Or I'm going to be so un-cool. *Sigh*

I don't think I'll miss any of my lecturers.Erm,maybe only Ms.Esther,or maybe not.One thing for sure,I'll definately not miss Bomb.Why should I?I've been thinking some of the consequences of not going back to Kedah to see my grandmother.Thanks to Bomb,she says,almost everyday:Make sure you come for the Extra Class, if you don't come,you're going to lose.Remember,I'm not the one who's going to sit for the final exam.Argh,annoying,very annoying~It sounds threatening.

'Finals,is around the corner',that's what the ending of MUFY signals.Can't find a single reason for me to feel happy.Exam is evil,it's stressful,and it's crazy.It turns everyone who's normal into some abnormal freaks--Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.Okay okay,I know I always look like the freaky Mr.Hyde.

I expect the following week to be crazy,cause I know it will be.My schedule's all pack.It's just nuts.I need a break,I need it badly. Unfortunately,a break is one thing that I can't afford to have now.That's so sad.Gimme a break~

Well,I can have a LONG break after that.After the finals,I wanna sleep for three long days.


Jing~ said...

oii when is your finals going to end ar? my last final paper for this semester is 2/11/06. after that i have two month holiday too leh. year start skul agian lo.

evil yun said...

oh? finish college liao!? and i m just starting?!?! omg! i m soo left behind!!!

JR said...

JYing,My exam ends i think on 3rd Nov la...Good,you organise one gathering lunch la,haha.Ask everyone to come out.

Xiangyun,don't worry,your course will end too,much later...