Tuesday, 25 July 2006

Building castle in the air

Here's a little plan of mine[actually,it's abit crazy]:

10 years after I started working,I will run my own business,maybe a club for people to chill and hang out after work.I'll hire the Cats to work for me.Hello Kitty can help me to fold napkins[since she likes folding receipts so much] and Garfield can be my acountant.A-ha,ShuFang can also help with the accounts.EvilYun can be my PR manager,who will basically sit on my client's lap everynight,and since she'll be a doctor by that time,maybe she can demo on how to give injections or do an operation on stage,entertaining the customers.Oh yeah,she can also sing,together with Ah Piao,SuetLee,Ah Lek,TongLiang,WanKoon...I can also hire Jiajing to perform how to spray water like a pro,since he did such a great job in TW's performance;Ah Lek can perform Jolin's song,opera version;TongLiang can continue to play his harmonica;XinYun will be our official psychologist,in case anyone got mental disorder due to the craziness in the business;Geof will be my pork supplier;MunJong can be my consultant since he's so experienced;I'll be the guest performer,as the musician,the cats can do so too...Hmm,did I left anyone out?In other words,I'll hire all KMT members,because all of them are freaking talented,haha...And I promised to give Hello Kitty a monthly salary of $10000 for folding napkins and tissue papers.I must be a very generous boss...Anyway,this is purely building castles in the air.


During lunch time,was asking opinion from the cats on what should I major in Uni.Garfield in Green;Hello Kitty in Purple;JR in Blue.

I thought you wanna major in Banking and Finance?
I'm not bad-tempered enough ar?Anyway,it's sounds abit boring.
Then?International business lor...
Yeah,not bad also.What if I major accounting[purely kidding].
GOOD!!Very good!
What if I work as an auditor for like 10 year?
Well,I don't think that will happen.
If it does,then I won't be able to run my own business and you will be unemployed.
Hahahaha...Then go sweep the streets.It's easy and you don't need a qualification.
Wahahahahaha...Then you won't be able to run the business in this life.
Oh my god!!Then,Hello Kitty,you will not be paid $10000 monthly!And alot people will be unemployed...

Well,the conversation was quite fun.I mean,day-dreaming is fun,very fun...Your imaginations run wild,that's crazy,haha!So,anyone wants to work for me?Leave me comments,I'll think about it,muahahaha~

Friday, 21 July 2006

The past and the present

We had a discussion on our Theme Study presentation this morning.And Alibaba says:

Please make sure that you are able to give the defination of the past and the present.Now,how do you define what is past and what is present?Say,a minute ago,I slap you.Is that a past?

Since he asked us a question,this is what I answered him:

Yes,that is a past.And,I'm going to slap you back as the present.

*Loud applause!!*

Like this answer very much.Well,not only me,I guess alot of them like it too...


Went for lunch with Esther[not Comp Sc lecturer,Esther],JYing and Vern.Had a great time.I miss the past,I guess...Well,only the part when I got to spend my time with the gang in class.Anyway,I really like spending time with them,that's the time when everything that bothers me doesn't bother me that much.And so I have decided that we shall go out again,during the school holidays when we can get everyone out.Too bad,I don't have a holiday.I'll have to meet all of you after my class.

Esther will be going back to UK soon.JYing shall be going to US,sooner.And I might also be leaving soon.Hmm...We should really meet each other more often...

Wednesday, 19 July 2006








昨晚,Hello Kitty 做了一个梦。梦里我们在上炸弹[经济学]的课,上着上着大家都快睡着了,所以炸弹说:To make the class more interesting,we shall ask a few students to perform。然后,你猜得没有错,我被点名跟另一个女生出去表演。根据Hello Kitty 所说的,我们合唱了郑秀文的'感情线上'。非常的白痴的一个梦,很多疑点:第一,跟我合唱的女生根本就跟我不同班;第二,我从来不常郑秀文的歌,key根本就不对;第三,打死我也不会愿意在全班面前唱歌;第四,炸弹是印度人,为什么会在他面前唱粤语歌曲?

Sunday, 2 July 2006


公教中学50岁了。但是,有一点不干我的事。话虽如此,我还是很捧场的回去探望一 些好朋友。我的眼神乱飘,深怕会停留在不对的人身上,比如:老师,不想见的人,不想见的旧同学,不想见的学弟妹...再一次踏进那个恐怖的地方,心情超级 的复杂,幸好身边有一堆朋友吵吵闹闹的,所以没有太多时间想太多。心情原本不错,但是中午的时候接到电话,被骂,所以又有一点不是很爽。算了,再打 算...我的周末不知道怎样...我自己都觉得很纳闷。



我 怕狗,这已经不是什么出奇的新闻了,大家都知道。邻居买了一只新的西施狗,感觉 上还蛮可爱的,因为我跟它之间隔了一道篱笆...奇怪吧,如果那只狗在我面前,我一定会受不了抓狂,而且体温马上上升,狂飙汗,血压马上飙高。但是一道篱 笆却可以让我觉得狗也可以很可爱,有一点不可思议...是那种距离,让我发现,狗也可以不那么恐怖。


有 了距离,至少你不会把对方的缺点看得太清楚,不会破坏那个原本就不是很close的感情。本来是朋友,之后也还会是朋友,事情不会改变很多。如果从好朋 友的位置退位到朋友的位置,我告诉你,撞墙去吧...那绝对是一种非言语能形容的感觉,有一点像是心被淘空了,灵魂跟躯体分开了的烂感觉...尤其当你的 朋友是那种很Benefit-oriented的人,那个时候你心里的疑问会比百科全书里所见的还多,但是问题不见得会有答案。我知道这个'距离'的逻辑很逊,但是没有办法,我总得保护我自己...如果因为距离缩短而失去原有的感觉,你不会觉得很失落吗?当你把事情看得很清楚,甚至太清楚了,所有的美好都变形了。好感少了,多了争执,批评和误会...

每 天见面,每天吵架,每天不爽这个不爽那个,很累吧?这多多少少都是因为距离太近 了,可能再加上磁场不对,所以很衰,每天被骂...我也很累,所以我想要离开。也许,两个人之间有那么一点距离可以让事情没有那么糟糕。不常见面,所以没 有机会常常吵架,常常被骂,也许还会多一份牵挂。牵挂怎样都比争执好得多...
